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PDF Output FileSource Code Main programm Lines and Curves Draw simple lines Draw a polyline Draw a single Bézier curve Draw two Bézier curves Draw a cardinal spline Draw an arc Shapes Draw rectangles Draw rounded rectangles Draw ellipses Draw polygons Draw pies Draw a closed cardinal spline Paths class Stroke an open path Stroke a closed path Draw an alternating and a winding path Convert text to path Clip through path Text class Draw text in different styles Show how to align text in the layout rectangle Show how to get text metric information Images Draw an image in original size Draw an image scaled Draw an image transformed Draw an image transformed Draw a GIF image with transparency Draw a PNG image with transparency Draw a TIFF image with transparency Draw a form XObject (a page from an external PDF file) Helper Functions Draw the page title and footer Draw the box around the samples
static void Main() { // Create a temporary file string filename = String.Format("{0}_tempfile.pdf", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D").ToUpper()); s_document = new PdfDocument(); s_document.Info.Title = "PDFsharp XGraphic Sample"; s_document.Info.Author = "Stefan Lange"; s_document.Info.Subject = "Created with code snippets that show the use of graphical functions"; s_document.Info.Keywords = "PDFsharp, XGraphics"; // Create demonstration pages new LinesAndCurves().DrawPage(s_document.AddPage()); new Shapes().DrawPage(s_document.AddPage()); new Paths().DrawPage(s_document.AddPage()); new Text().DrawPage(s_document.AddPage()); new Images().DrawPage(s_document.AddPage()); // Save the s_document... s_document.Save(filename); // ...and start a viewer Process.Start(filename); }
public void DrawPage(PdfPage page) { XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Lines & Curves"); DrawLine(gfx, 1); DrawLines(gfx, 2); DrawBezier(gfx, 3); DrawBeziers(gfx, 4); DrawCurve(gfx, 5); DrawArc(gfx, 6); }
void DrawLine(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawLine"); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.DarkGreen, 0, 0, 250, 0); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Gold, 15, 7, 230, 15); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Navy, 4); gfx.DrawLine(pen, 0, 20, 250, 20); pen = new XPen(XColors.Firebrick, 6); pen.DashStyle = XDashStyle.Dash; gfx.DrawLine(pen, 0, 40, 250, 40); pen.Width = 7.3; pen.DashStyle = XDashStyle.DashDotDot; gfx.DrawLine(pen, 0, 60, 250, 60); pen = new XPen(XColors.Goldenrod, 10); pen.LineCap = XLineCap.Flat; gfx.DrawLine(pen, 10, 90, 240, 90); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Black, 10, 90, 240, 90); pen = new XPen(XColors.Goldenrod, 10); pen.LineCap = XLineCap.Square; gfx.DrawLine(pen, 10, 110, 240, 110); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Black, 10, 110, 240, 110); pen = new XPen(XColors.Goldenrod, 10); pen.LineCap = XLineCap.Round; gfx.DrawLine(pen, 10, 130, 240, 130); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.Black, 10, 130, 240, 130); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawLines(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawLines"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.DarkSeaGreen, 6); pen.LineCap = XLineCap.Round; pen.LineJoin = XLineJoin.Bevel; XPoint[] points = new XPoint[] { new XPoint(20, 30), new XPoint(60, 120), new XPoint(90, 20), new XPoint(170, 90), new XPoint(230, 40) }; gfx.DrawLines(pen, points); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawBezier(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawBezier"); gfx.DrawBezier(new XPen(XColors.DarkRed, 5), 20, 110, 40, 10, 170, 90, 230, 20); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawBeziers(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawBeziers"); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[]{new XPoint(20, 30), new XPoint(40, 120), new XPoint(80, 20), new XPoint(110, 90), new XPoint(180, 40), new XPoint(210, 40), new XPoint(220, 80)}; XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Firebrick, 4); gfx.DrawBeziers(pen, points); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawCurve(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawCurve"); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[] { new XPoint(20, 30), new XPoint(60, 120), new XPoint(90, 20), new XPoint(170, 90), new XPoint(230, 40) }; XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.RoyalBlue, 3.5); gfx.DrawCurve(pen, points, 1); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawArc(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawArc"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Plum, 4.7); gfx.DrawArc(pen, 0, 0, 250, 140, 190, 200); EndBox(gfx); }
public void DrawPage(PdfPage page) { XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Shapes"); DrawRectangle(gfx, 1); DrawRoundedRectangle(gfx, 2); DrawEllipse(gfx, 3); DrawPolygon(gfx, 4); DrawPie(gfx, 5); DrawClosedCurve(gfx, 6); }
void DrawRectangle(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawRectangle"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Navy, Math.PI); gfx.DrawRectangle(pen, 10, 0, 100, 60); gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.DarkOrange, 130, 0, 100, 60); gfx.DrawRectangle(pen, XBrushes.DarkOrange, 10, 80, 100, 60); gfx.DrawRectangle(pen, XBrushes.DarkOrange, 150, 80, 60, 60); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawRoundedRectangle(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawRoundedRectangle"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.RoyalBlue, Math.PI); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(pen, 10, 0, 100, 60, 30, 20); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(XBrushes.Orange, 130, 0, 100, 60, 30, 20); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(pen, XBrushes.Orange, 10, 80, 100, 60, 30, 20); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(pen, XBrushes.Orange, 150, 80, 60, 60, 20, 20); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawEllipse(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawEllipse"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.DarkBlue, 2.5); gfx.DrawEllipse(pen, 10, 0, 100, 60); gfx.DrawEllipse(XBrushes.Goldenrod, 130, 0, 100, 60); gfx.DrawEllipse(pen, XBrushes.Goldenrod, 10, 80, 100, 60); gfx.DrawEllipse(pen, XBrushes.Goldenrod, 150, 80, 60, 60); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawPolygon(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawPolygon"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.DarkBlue, 2.5); gfx.DrawPolygon(pen, XBrushes.LightCoral, GetPentagram(50, new XPoint(60, 70)), XFillMode.Winding); gfx.DrawPolygon(pen, XBrushes.LightCoral, GetPentagram(50, new XPoint(180, 70)), XFillMode.Alternate); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawPie(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawPie"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.DarkBlue, 2.5); gfx.DrawPie(pen, 10, 0, 100, 90, -120, 75); gfx.DrawPie(XBrushes.Gold, 130, 0, 100, 90, -160, 150); gfx.DrawPie(pen, XBrushes.Gold, 10, 50, 100, 90, 80, 70); gfx.DrawPie(pen, XBrushes.Gold, 150, 80, 60, 60, 35, 290); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawClosedCurve(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawClosedCurve"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.DarkBlue, 2.5); gfx.DrawClosedCurve(pen, XBrushes.SkyBlue, new XPoint[] { new XPoint(10, 120), new XPoint(80, 30), new XPoint(220, 20), new XPoint(170, 110), new XPoint(100, 90) }, XFillMode.Winding, 0.7); EndBox(gfx); }
public void DrawPage(PdfPage page) { XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Paths"); DrawPathOpen(gfx, 1); DrawPathClosed(gfx, 2); DrawPathAlternateAndWinding(gfx, 3); DrawGlyphs(gfx, 5); DrawClipPath(gfx, 6); }
void DrawPathOpen(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawPath (open)"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Navy, Math.PI); pen.DashStyle = XDashStyle.Dash; XGraphicsPath path = new XGraphicsPath(); path.AddLine(10, 120, 50, 60); path.AddArc(50, 20, 110, 80, 180, 180); path.AddLine(160, 60, 220, 100); gfx.DrawPath(pen, path); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawPathClosed(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawPath (closed)"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Navy, Math.PI); pen.DashStyle = XDashStyle.Dash; XGraphicsPath path = new XGraphicsPath(); path.AddLine(10, 120, 50, 60); path.AddArc(50, 20, 110, 80, 180, 180); path.AddLine(160, 60, 220, 100); path.CloseFigure(); gfx.DrawPath(pen, path); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawPathAlternateAndWinding(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawPath (alternate / winding)"); XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Navy, 2.5); // Alternate fill mode XGraphicsPath path = new XGraphicsPath(); path.FillMode = XFillMode.Alternate; path.AddLine(10, 130, 10, 40); path.AddBeziers(new XPoint[]{new XPoint(10, 40), new XPoint(30, 0), new XPoint(40, 20), new XPoint(60, 40), new XPoint(80, 60), new XPoint(100, 60), new XPoint(120, 40)}); path.AddLine(120, 40, 120, 130); path.CloseFigure(); path.AddEllipse(40, 80, 50, 40); gfx.DrawPath(pen, XBrushes.DarkOrange, path); // Winding fill mode path = new XGraphicsPath(); path.FillMode = XFillMode.Winding; path.AddLine(130, 130, 130, 40); path.AddBeziers(new XPoint[]{new XPoint(130, 40), new XPoint(150, 0), new XPoint(160, 20), new XPoint(180, 40), new XPoint(200, 60), new XPoint(220, 60), new XPoint(240, 40)}); path.AddLine(240, 40, 240, 130); path.CloseFigure(); path.AddEllipse(160, 80, 50, 40); gfx.DrawPath(pen, XBrushes.DarkOrange, path); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawGlyphs(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "Draw Glyphs"); XGraphicsPath path = new XGraphicsPath(); path.AddString("Hello!", new XFontFamily("Times New Roman"), XFontStyle.BoldItalic, 100, new XRect(0, 0, 250, 140), XStringFormats.Center); gfx.DrawPath(new XPen(XColors.Purple, 2.3), XBrushes.DarkOrchid, path); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawClipPath(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "Clip through Path"); XGraphicsPath path = new XGraphicsPath(); path.AddString("Clip!", new XFontFamily("Verdana"), XFontStyle.Bold, 90, new XRect(0, 0, 250, 140), XStringFormats.Center); gfx.IntersectClip(path); // Draw a beam of dotted lines XPen pen = XPens.DarkRed.Clone(); pen.DashStyle = XDashStyle.Dot; for (double r = 0; r <= 90; r += 0.5) gfx.DrawLine(pen, 0, 0, 250 * Math.Cos(r / 90 * Math.PI), 250 * Math.Sin(r / 90 * Math.PI)); EndBox(gfx); }
public void DrawPage(PdfPage page) { XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Text"); DrawText(gfx, 1); DrawTextAlignment(gfx, 2); MeasureText(gfx, 3); }
void DrawText(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "Text Styles"); const string facename = "Times New Roman"; //XPdfFontOptions options = new XPdfFontOptions(PdfFontEncoding.Unicode, PdfFontEmbedding.Always); XPdfFontOptions options = new XPdfFontOptions(PdfFontEncoding.WinAnsi, PdfFontEmbedding.Default); XFont fontRegular = new XFont(facename, 20, XFontStyle.Regular, options); XFont fontBold = new XFont(facename, 20, XFontStyle.Bold, options); XFont fontItalic = new XFont(facename, 20, XFontStyle.Italic, options); XFont fontBoldItalic = new XFont(facename, 20, XFontStyle.BoldItalic, options); // The default alignment is baseline left (that differs from GDI+) gfx.DrawString("Times (regular)", fontRegular, XBrushes.DarkSlateGray, 0, 30); gfx.DrawString("Times (bold)", fontBold, XBrushes.DarkSlateGray, 0, 65); gfx.DrawString("Times (italic)", fontItalic, XBrushes.DarkSlateGray, 0, 100); gfx.DrawString("Times (bold italic)", fontBoldItalic, XBrushes.DarkSlateGray, 0, 135); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawTextAlignment(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "Text Alignment"); XRect rect = new XRect(0, 0, 250, 140); XFont font = new XFont("Verdana", 10); XBrush brush = XBrushes.Purple; XStringFormat format = new XStringFormat(); gfx.DrawRectangle(XPens.YellowGreen, rect); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.YellowGreen, rect.Width / 2, 0, rect.Width / 2, rect.Height); gfx.DrawLine(XPens.YellowGreen, 0, rect.Height / 2, rect.Width, rect.Height / 2); gfx.DrawString("TopLeft", font, brush, rect, format); format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Center; gfx.DrawString("TopCenter", font, brush, rect, format); format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Far; gfx.DrawString("TopRight", font, brush, rect, format); format.LineAlignment = XLineAlignment.Center; format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Near; gfx.DrawString("CenterLeft", font, brush, rect, format); format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Center; gfx.DrawString("Center", font, brush, rect, format); format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Far; gfx.DrawString("CenterRight", font, brush, rect, format); format.LineAlignment = XLineAlignment.Far; format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Near; gfx.DrawString("BottomLeft", font, brush, rect, format); format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Center; gfx.DrawString("BottomCenter", font, brush, rect, format); format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Far; gfx.DrawString("BottomRight", font, brush, rect, format); EndBox(gfx); }
void MeasureText(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "Measure Text"); const XFontStyle style = XFontStyle.Regular; XFont font = new XFont("Times New Roman", 95, style); const string text = "Hallo"; const double x = 20, y = 100; XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(text, font); double lineSpace = font.GetHeight(gfx); int cellSpace = font.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(style); int cellAscent = font.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(style); int cellDescent = font.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(style); int cellLeading = cellSpace - cellAscent - cellDescent; // Get effective ascent double ascent = lineSpace * cellAscent / cellSpace; gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.Bisque, x, y - ascent, size.Width, ascent); // Get effective descent double descent = lineSpace * cellDescent / cellSpace; gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.LightGreen, x, y, size.Width, descent); // Get effective leading double leading = lineSpace * cellLeading / cellSpace; gfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.Yellow, x, y + descent, size.Width, leading); // Draw text half transparent XColor color = XColors.DarkSlateBlue; color.A = 0.6; gfx.DrawString(text, font, new XSolidBrush(color), x, y); EndBox(gfx); }
public void DrawPage(PdfPage page) { XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); DrawTitle(page, gfx, "Images"); DrawImage(gfx, 1); DrawImageScaled(gfx, 2); DrawImageRotated(gfx, 3); DrawImageSheared(gfx, 4); DrawGif(gfx, 5); DrawPng(gfx, 6); DrawTiff(gfx, 7); DrawFormXObject(gfx, 8); }
void DrawImage(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawImage (original)"); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(jpegSamplePath); // Left position in point double x = (250 - image.PixelWidth * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution) / 2; gfx.DrawImage(image, x, 0); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawImageScaled(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawImage (scaled)"); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(jpegSamplePath); gfx.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, 250, 140); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawImageRotated(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawImage (rotated)"); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(jpegSamplePath); const double dx = 250, dy = 140; gfx.TranslateTransform(dx / 2, dy / 2); gfx.ScaleTransform(0.7); gfx.RotateTransform(-25); gfx.TranslateTransform(-dx / 2, -dy / 2); //XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); //XMatrix.Identity; double width = image.PixelWidth * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; double height = image.PixelHeight * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; gfx.DrawImage(image, (dx - width) / 2, 0, width, height); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawImageSheared(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawImage (sheared)"); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(jpegSamplePath); const double dx = 250, dy = 140; gfx.TranslateTransform(dx / 2, dy / 2); gfx.ScaleTransform(-0.7, 0.7); gfx.ShearTransform(-0.4, -0.3); gfx.TranslateTransform(-dx / 2, -dy / 2); double width = image.PixelWidth * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; double height = image.PixelHeight * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; gfx.DrawImage(image, (dx - width) / 2, 0, width, height); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawGif(XGraphics gfx, int number) { this.backColor = XColors.LightGoldenrodYellow; this.borderPen = new XPen(XColor.FromArgb(202, 121, 74), this.borderWidth); BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawImage (GIF)"); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(gifSamplePath); const double dx = 250, dy = 140; double width = image.PixelWidth * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; double height = image.PixelHeight * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; gfx.DrawImage(image, (dx - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawPng(XGraphics gfx, int number) { BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawImage (PNG)"); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(pngSamplePath); const double dx = 250, dy = 140; double width = image.PixelWidth * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; double height = image.PixelHeight * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; gfx.DrawImage(image, (dx - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height); EndBox(gfx); }
void DrawTiff(XGraphics gfx, int number) { XColor oldBackColor = this.backColor; this.backColor = XColors.LightGoldenrodYellow; BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawImage (TIFF)"); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(tiffSamplePath); const double dx = 250, dy = 140; double width = image.PixelWidth * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; double height = image.PixelHeight * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; gfx.DrawImage(image, (dx - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height); EndBox(gfx); this.backColor = oldBackColor; }
void DrawFormXObject(XGraphics gfx, int number) { //this.backColor = XColors.LightSalmon; BeginBox(gfx, number, "DrawImage (Form XObject)"); XImage image = XImage.FromFile(pdfSamplePath); const double dx = 250, dy = 140; gfx.TranslateTransform(dx / 2, dy / 2); gfx.ScaleTransform(0.35); gfx.TranslateTransform(-dx / 2, -dy / 2); double width = image.PixelWidth * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; double height = image.PixelHeight * 72 / image.HorizontalResolution; gfx.DrawImage(image, (dx - width) / 2, (dy - height) / 2, width, height); EndBox(gfx); }
public void DrawTitle(PdfPage page, XGraphics gfx, string title) { XRect rect = new XRect(new XPoint(), gfx.PageSize); rect.Inflate(-10, -15); XFont font = new XFont("Verdana", 14, XFontStyle.Bold); gfx.DrawString(title, font, XBrushes.MidnightBlue, rect, XStringFormats.TopCenter); rect.Offset(0, 5); font = new XFont("Verdana", 8, XFontStyle.Italic); XStringFormat format = new XStringFormat(); format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Near; format.LineAlignment = XLineAlignment.Far; gfx.DrawString("Created with " + PdfSharp.ProductVersionInfo.Producer, font, XBrushes.DarkOrchid, rect, format); font = new XFont("Verdana", 8); format.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Center; gfx.DrawString(Program.s_document.PageCount.ToString(), font, XBrushes.DarkOrchid, rect, format); Program.s_document.Outlines.Add(title, page, true); }
public void BeginBox(XGraphics gfx, int number, string title) { const int dEllipse = 15; XRect rect = new XRect(0, 20, 300, 200); if (number % 2 == 0) rect.X = 300 - 5; rect.Y = 40 + ((number - 1) / 2) * (200 - 5); rect.Inflate(-10, -10); XRect rect2 = rect; rect2.Offset(this.borderWidth, this.borderWidth); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(new XSolidBrush(this.shadowColor), rect2, new XSize(dEllipse + 8, dEllipse + 8)); XLinearGradientBrush brush = new XLinearGradientBrush(rect, this.backColor, this.backColor2, XLinearGradientMode.Vertical); gfx.DrawRoundedRectangle(this.borderPen, brush, rect, new XSize(dEllipse, dEllipse)); rect.Inflate(-5, -5); XFont font = new XFont("Verdana", 12, XFontStyle.Regular); gfx.DrawString(title, font, XBrushes.Navy, rect, XStringFormats.TopCenter); rect.Inflate(-10, -5); rect.Y += 20; rect.Height -= 20; this.state = gfx.Save(); gfx.TranslateTransform(rect.X, rect.Y); } public void EndBox(XGraphics gfx) { gfx.Restore(this.state); }